This Blog Is For Mommas
Today’s mommas who want their families to thrive!
Much to the dismay of many mommas, mothering success isn’t achieved through sheer instinct. Like the building of a house, building of a family homelife takes knowledge, skill, understanding, patience, the right tools and ingredients, and plenty of effort.
The good news: I’ve learned tried and tested practices that really do work! My goal is to share what I have learned so you can put into place the things that fit your own family.
My Early Momma Life
I remember all too well the saga of struggle in my early years of motherhood:
Avoiding the mountains of laundry as long as I dared; dragging, exhausted and discouraged, into the kitchen to clear the counter so I could start breakfast; my sinking heart while digging through cupboards for possible dinner ingredients at 7:00 pm; and choking back tears when my toddler’s needs ruined my plans to do something I wanted to do.
So often, sinking into a chair after settling my children into bed for the night, I felt too wiped out to even go into the next room to prepare for sleep. I am fairly confident, sincere-hearted momma, that you may have had similar experiences!
And So, I Learned
There are many qualities that go into the building of a healthy, peaceful, happy home. The primary ingredient is a solid foundation of commitment. A Strong Commitment to put into practice those things which God has revealed in his Word, the Holy Bible, as being important.
It is absolutely true that success starts with a relationship with God. There are things that equip a mom to learn how to be the best she can be, such as Bible reading, daily prayer, praising God throughout the day, and faithful Church attendance. Alongside these habits, intended to build your relationship with Jesus Christ, there are common sense, essential building materials to include in the construction of your happy home.
A Few Of These Building Materials
- Consistency and constancy
- Being flexible, with a healthy sense of humor
- Role-modeling: Understanding and expectations
Historically and biblically, it’s typically been older women who have taught younger women how to care for their family and home. (You may want to read Titus 2: 3-5.) This created the way for tried and tested methods to be passed on to the next generation, not unlike an Olympic runner’s baton being pressed into the hand of the next one in the race. It sure makes life easier on those who are new to any role to not have to learn everything by trial and error.
As a grandmother with a lifetime of experience to draw from, I’m happy to share the wonderful, life-principles I’ve learned. Being a lover of peace, I’ve prayerfully looked for ways to make our days go more smoothly, and found them! I learned that other mom’s had similar experiences, ensuring me that it was not ME, but the PRINCIPLES I put into practice that worked.
As the leading lady in your home, I respect that you have your own needs and wants as well as those needs related to the dynamics of your own household. My goal is to provide you with tools, guidance, and resources, giving you options you may not yet have discovered. All in all, it’s up to you to determine what works for you. You are likely to find that, sometimes, a certain way of doing things which once worked great, will need to be abandoned for a different approach as your children mature.
Here are some of the resources I plan to use to spice things up for you:
- Family Fun (Music, crafts, experiments, excursions, etc.)
- Stories for inspiration (fictitious and real-life)
- Principles to live by (Biblical and traditional)
- And more to come! as this “baby” mom-blog grows up!
Thank you, momma, for taking time to read this early post, reposted from my original website!
I welcome hearing from you!
What topics related to motherhood and homemaking do you want to hear about?
Did anything you read here resonate with you?